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Turkic peoples (Konu Terimi)

Preferred form: Turkic peoples
Used for/see from:
  • Türk halkları
See also:

Work cat.: Ögel, B. Türk kültür tarihine giriş ... 1978.

Britannica Micro. (Turkic peoples: term applied to a variety of peoples historically and linguistically connected with the Tʼu-chueh, the name given by the Chinese to the nomad people who in the 6th cent. A.D. founded an empire stretching from Mongolia and the northern frontier of China to the Black Sea. With a few exceptions the peoples corresponding to the foregoing definition are confined to Asia. Two groups: western and eastern. Former: Turkic peoples of Europe and those of western Asia inhabiting the Asiatic part of Turkey and the northwest of Iran. The latter comprises the Turkic peoples of the USSR and of the Chinese region of Sinkiang)


Saray, M. Atatürk ve Türk dünyası ... 1988 (History of the Turkic peoples)

Here are entered works on the Turkic peoples of Asia treated collectively. Works on the Ottoman Turks, or Osmanlis, who settled in Turkey, as well as works on citizens of Turkey, are entered under Turks.

Note under Turks

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