Geçmişten Geleceğe Bilgi Merkeziniz

Authority search results

Results 1 to 6 of 6

Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Konu Terimi:
Islam Religion
used for/see from:
İslam Din
Details Konu Terimi 14 records
Konu Terimi:
Philosophy and religion
used for/see from:
Christianity and philosophy
Religion and philosophy
see also:
Religion (Broader heading)
Details Konu Terimi 4 records
Konu Terimi:
used for/see from:
Religion, Primitive (Earlier heading)
see also:
Details Konu Terimi 1 record
Konu Terimi:
Religion and ethics
used for/see from:
Ethics and religion
Din ve etik
Din ve ahlak
see also:
Ethics (Broader heading)
Details Konu Terimi 1 record
Konu Terimi:
Religion and science
used for/see from:
Christianity and science
Geology and religion
Science and religion
Din ve bilim
see also:
Science (Broader heading)
Details Konu Terimi 2 records
Coğrafi Ad:
Turkey Religion
used for/see from:
Türkiye Din
Details Coğrafi Ad 3 records

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